Carr Junior School celebrates ‘Good’ Ofsted rating

Staff and pupils at Carr Junior School are celebrating the results of a recent Ofsted inspection which recognises the school as ‘Good’.

Carr Junior School, which is part of South Bank Multi Academy Trust, has been praised by inspectors in its first inspection since becoming an academy in 2019. At its last inspection in February 2018, the school was classed by Ofsted as ‘Requires Improvement’.

Headteacher at Carr Junior School, Mrs Vicki Kerr, said “This is such a fantastic outcome for everyone at Carr Junior. To be rated as ‘Good’ across all areas is testament to the hard work and dedication of the staff, the wonderful children who come here, the support and expertise we get from our family of schools and the Trust, and our community as a whole.”

The Ofsted report, which follows a two-day inspection on 19 and 20 September, states that Carr Junior is “a welcoming school” where “pupils are happy and safe.” It goes on to say that “Pupils embody the school motto of ‘aim high, shine bright’” and “Relationships between staff and pupils are polite and respectful.”

Inspectors recognise the high standards and “positive culture” of behaviour, describing it as “calm and purposeful” whilst noting how staff “use reflective conversations effectively to improve pupils’ behaviour.” The report also notes that “Pupils have a positive attitude to learning and work well together in lessons.”

Inspectors also found that “Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported throughout the school day.” They go on to say that staff “identify pupils’ needs early. Pupils with SEND follow the same curriculum as their peers. Leaders have recently established bespoke spaces, such as a new nurture provision, to support pupils with specific needs.”

The report states that “Staff morale is high” and that the “school benefits from the professional development provided by the trust.”

Headteacher, Mrs Kerr adds “It is heart-warming to receive such positive feedback from Ofsted. Through our curriculum, personal development agenda and numerous extra-curricular opportunities, our pupils have the opportunity to develop and achieve not only academically but personally too. I am so proud of the whole team and I want to thank each and every one of them.”

Chair of Governors at Carr Junior School, Kate Smithson, said “The Ofsted report captures the school’s vibrant learning environment, its ambitious curriculum, which is brought to life through the Big Idea, the dedication to reading and most importantly, that the school is a safe, happy and welcoming place.

“It is an absolute privilege to work with the team at Carr Junior. On behalf of the governors, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations on this fantastic, well-deserved outcome.”

Mark Hassack, CEO of South Bank Multi Academy Trust added “This is a wonderful outcome for everyone at Carr Junior School. I am incredibly proud that Ofsted have recognised the improvements the school has made through hard work and sheer dedication to ensuring every child experiences education excellence every day so that they can achieve the very best outcomes – academically and in their personal development. A huge well done to everyone!”

In the report, inspectors state that the school should refine how they check pupils’ knowledge and understanding in some subjects so they can quickly identify any misconceptions and plan future work accordingly. The report also reports that a small number of parents feel that communication could be improved.

South Bank Multi Academy Trust has six schools in York: York High School, Millthorpe School, Carr Junior School, Knavesmire Primary School, Scarcroft Primary School and Woodthorpe Primary School.

6 October 2023

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